Come, Rockstar, Salt to Dancing Ya: Now the GTA Remastered Trilogy trophies icon is filtered

Rockstar Games (anteriormente conocido como Rockstar Games NYC) es una compañía desarrolladora y publicadora de videojuegos adquirido por el publicador de videojuegos Take-Two Interactive y creador del motor de videojuego RAGE. La compañía es internacionalmente conocida por títulos como la serie Grand Theft Auto, Max Payne, Midnight Club o Red Dead. Comprende estudios que han sido adquiridos y renombrados, así como otros creados internamente. Mientras la mayoría de los estudios que Take-Two Interactive ha adquirido se fusionaron en la marca Rockstar, otros más recientes han mantenido sus propias identidades y forman parte de la división de la compañía 2K Games. El sello Rockstar fue fundado en Nueva York, en 1998 por Sam Houser, Terry Donovan, Dan Houser, Jamie King y Gary Foreman.[1]​ Las oficinas de Rockstar Games están situadas en Broadway, Nueva York, junto a las de Take-Two Interactive. En ellas se encuentran las oficinas centrales internacionales de publicidad, marketing, relaciones públicas y departamentos de desarrollo de productos.[2]​

It is about to be announced. We can say that it is imminent. As Pedrerol would say: TIC, TAC ... GTA Remasted Trilogy Still not a reality, but we have several leaks in the last days. We ask ourselves what Rockstar expects, seen what is seen, to make the official announcement.

The last thing is that, as they have from GTANet, a specialized page to track news from the Grand Thef Auto Saga, have already been filtered to the icons that will have the collection in the Games GTA 3, GTA San Andreas and GTA Vice City .

As if that were not enough, in the last hours we have told you that both the supposed images of the game have been filtered, and that RockStar itself more mentions ago the game at his launcher. If the information is true, the pack will come before the end of the year, so the ad should not be delayed.

They are games that are almost 20 years old behind their backs, but it is one of the most beloved and popular sagas in the videogame sector. Although we have been without a new delivery for 8 years with the success of GTA V. Apparently, the study of Rockstar Dundee is behind this compilation, from which only the official announcement would be.


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