Chernobylite: Roadmap reveals extensive DLC

Chernobylite Ep-1-Survival Horror RPG All in! Game today releases the Sci-Fi Survival Horror RPG Chernobylite for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 developed by The Farm 51 today. At the same time, extensive plans were revealed for the time after the launch. Thus, players may look forward to six DLC packages, which is a mix of free and paid content. Including new missions, monsters, weapons, game modes and more. The publication of the DLC content will be made by the end of 2022. Already at this Halloween, players receive the DLC Monster Hunt , which contains new monsters and co-missions for free. At Christmas then with Ghost Town already follows the second DLC. So the roadmap looks like Chernobylite: Thanks to backward compatibility, Chernobylite is already playable today on Xbox Series X | S and PlayStation 5. In the near future, there will also be a Next-Gen version. An appropriate upgrade will then be free for the owner of the game.


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