PS4: Pachter forecast to the support end

Sony continues to develop for the PS4 after it made the impression first of last year that the company wants to focus on many productions on the PS5.

This has a simple reason: In order to be able to play the development costs in a game, the products need to achieve a certain number of sales - with AAA projects, in smaller games usually less. And the market share of the PS5 is so briefly manageable so shortly after the launch.

PS4 games up to 2023

But when will Sony be going to concentrate on exclusive PS5 games? The Analyst Michael Pachter has a theory. He mentioned that in view of the story of Sony and the usual support of older console generations is likely that the company can still develop up to 2023 games for the PS4.

Also, leaners suspected that at least 30 million ps5 must be in the hands of consumers before the new gene business is financially considered profitable enough to make a console and the support of older platforms outside.

According to laughters, it needs 3 million sales of a triple A title to get the costs of development and marketing. He also believes that Sony will repeat what the company did the last change of console. Only at the end of 2022 or early 2023, and moreover, the company will increase to PS5 exclusive titles in terms of First Party Studios.

Further messages on PS5:

  • Sufficient chipsets secured for the current year
  • SSD extension: Charging times hardly differ

The PS5 has been sold for about ten million times . Of the PS4, 116 million copies have been discontinued so far. Until the period mentioned by laughter, it should be the estimated 30 million ps5 and about 120 million ps4 consoles that went over the shops.

Further messages to PS4, PS5.

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